Courses / Alpha

To find out more about any of the courses below, please contact the office via email at


Alpha is a course that is used around the world and it gives people the chance to ask the big questions of faith.

We meet together, normally in the evening around a meal and a glass of wine.  There will be a short reflection from one of the St Peter’s team and then time to talk.  No one is going to put you on the spot or force you to speak if you don’t want to.

It’s relaxed and it’s real, email us to find out more!

Discipleship Explored

After Alpha we run a course called Discipleship Explored – because there is always more to learn and life never stands still.  Being a Christian in the 21st century is far from straightforward so it is encouraging to talk things through with other Christians who are struggling with the same or similar issues that you are.  

The Marriage Course

It is important to relate our faith to every aspect of our lives, so one of the other courses that we offer is called the Marriage Course (For more information about the Marriage Course nationally click here.

It’s a course for those who are married or who have been together for some time, or who are thinking about getting married.  It’s like an MOT for relationships.

Like Alpha, it starts with a meal – this time a candlelit dinner for two – and then moves into a big screen DVD presentation and conversation ... just between the two of you. No whole group discussion, but a great opportunity to take time out together and think through the big issues

The Marriage Preparation Morning

For couples preparing for Marriage we also hold a Marriage Preparation Morning, normally in February or March.

It is a chance to meet with other couples in the same situation and think through some of the important questions in a relaxed and informal manner.  Whilst a meal is not offered on this course, we do provide lots of cake!

We automatically invite all our couples who will be marrying in our benefice during the year, but it is open for all so if you were interested but are getting married elsewhere please do contact us as you would be more then welcome to attend. 
