At St Peter’s we have articulated goals to be working towards over the next five years:
Because we love Jesus and want others to know Him, we are prayerfully working towards:
Every member of the church family will be growing as disciples of Jesus and growing in their relationships with each other. We prayerfully look to see 70% of our Electoral Roll belonging to small groups within the church.
We will be a church family whose first instinct is to pray because we know we depend on God. A community where prayer meetings matter and prayer happens naturally and habitually and all the time. We prayerfully look to see 50% of our Electoral Roll attending termly prayer meetings.
Every member of the church family will be eager to reach out in love to our community and beyond. We will be an active presence beyond our church walls in Oundle. We prayerfully look to be a refuge for those in need – going above and beyond in loving action.
Every member of the church family will be praying for their friends to come to know Jesus and will feel equipped to share their faith. We prayerfully look to see 200 new followers of Jesus.
All the activity at St Peter’s will be well-resourced and co-ordinated by a team of paid and volunteer workers. We prayerfully look to increase the capacity of the office team and establish a team of Ministry Area Leaders.
Every member of the church family will understand that hospitality and sharing food are at the heart of sharing lives and faith. We prayerfully look to build a new kitchen facility within the church building.