Top tips to survive lockdown:
It can be easy to just ‘do nothing’ and be unproductive, so make sure that your day still has routine – this is great for our sleep pattern and mental health.
Baking and cooking are great for the soul – it’s doing something new and you achieve something really good and tasty too!
This gets us out of the house and exercise is so good for our physical and mental health
Get onto zoom with family and friends and host a quiz for everyone – helps you stay connected and is lots of fun!
We are so blessed to have good weather during lockdown, get out and spend some time admiring God’s wonderful creation.
This helps us to unwind and is especially good to do before bed instead of browsing on our phones.
Watch this video…
Some youth workers gathered together before lockdown to discuss how they are going to survive lock down and how their faith will help them too – it’s worth a watch!
Things to follow…
Here are some good Instagram pages to follow…
Youth.stpeters – our own Instagram page! Follow for encouragements, updates, thoughts and bible verses.
Crops Uk – Crops Instagram page – useful tips and thoughts.
Versefirst – full of really encouraging bible verses
Mikepilivachi – speaker from Soul Survivor - he is posting a short talk every day – really helpful!
Girlgotfaith – brilliant page full of encouragements and thoughts for girls who follow Jesus
Introoutroyt – fun videos from the Christian youth work charity: Youth for Christ
Here are some good youtube channels to follow…
Intro Outro – Same as the Instagram page – fun and thoughtful videos from a Christian perspective
Soul Survivor – lots of talks and worship sessions available from previous summer events
Spring Harvest – Spring Harvest Home has just been aired over the Easter Holidays – this is full of loads of useful talks and worship – don’t just try the ‘youth’ stuff, there’s loads of helpful thoughts across the board, see what works for you.
St Peter’s Church, Oundle – we have all our livestreamed prayers and services on here – check them out!