11.15am every week in the South Transept at St Peter’s. Coffee, homemade biscuits and chat after the 10.30am Holy Communion service. All welcome to the service, to coffee or to both! Take a break on market day to meet with friends.
2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month, 2-4pm in the church. Tea and cakes, chat and games. A ‘thought for the day’ from the clergy. Open to all, come and meet others for company, fun and laughter. Lifts available. Third Tuesday of the month - Tuesday Club Extra.
The outings happen one afternoon a month from Spring to Autumn. They enable people with restricted opportunities, to go out to a local place of interest with others for company and afternoon tea.
To request a trip, or to offer help please contact: David Varley 272105 or Ann Howorth 272663
1st Sunday of the month, 2.30– 4pm, in the garden room at Latham’s, 24 North Street, Oundle. Latham’s, established in 1611, provides housing for retired women in Oundle. They welcome any other ladies to join them for tea, cake and chat on a Sunday afternoon. Lifts are available.
For more information on the above please call the office on 01832 275675
Every so often a ‘breakfast’ get together is arranged for groups to meet on a Saturday morning. These are normally advertised in our weekly sheet. You can subscribe to the mailing list by emailing: administrator@stpetersoundle.co.uk
One the first Wednesday of the month the men meet in a pub in Oundle (previously The Talbot and now the Ship), why not join them for a time of togetherness over a pint or soft drink